escapa-me qualquer coisa

3 Jul

o ministro que diz que sai, e o outro diz que não sai, vai agora negociar uma possível coligação de uma coligação que já foi mas parece que agora já não é bem… é isto?

PhD scholarships at the FU Berlin

7 Nov

For everyone who is interested in doing a PhD in literary studies in Germany, these positions at the Friedrich Schlegel Graduiertenschule might be an interesting opportunity.


Faculty OC Meeting 20 June: Expectations and Prejudices

5 Jun

Interesting for everybody who wants to be on the Board of Studies next year. Contact Eva Overman for more details.

The last faculty OC meeting of the year will take place between 13:00 and 15:00 on 20 June in lecture hall 004 of the Bungehuis. This gathering is meant for those who are interested in becoming an OC member for the 2012/2013 academic year. Please confirm your attendance by 13 June at the latest. The OC meeting will be opened by Frank van Vree, who will speak about the OCs and the issues that need to be dealt with in the coming year. Several OC members will also share their experiences with the other attendees, after which the meeting will be concluded with a debate about the expectations and prejudices that students and lecturers have of one another, and how this in turn affects education. The Faculty OC meeting will be followed by the teaching prize awards.

Rectification: 28 JUNE last possible application for diploma date

30 May

Due to the UvA always being confused about its own rules I gave you the wrong date for the last possible day to apply for a diploma. This is thursday June 28!! Make sure you hand in the form before that friday the 29th of June with an autograph of your supervisor. Of course, the sooner you hand it in, the better.

Good luck with the thesis 😉

Deadline today!

21 May
Have a go at student politics, apply for the OC. It’s super easy and done in about five minutes. Everything you need to know you find below in a letter by the dean. Good luck!
For English, please scroll down


Beste student,

Steeds meer wordt van universiteiten verwacht dat zij verantwoording afleggen over hun onderwijs en onderzoek. Daarnaast staat de financiering van het hoger onderwijs onder druk en krijgen we te maken met maatregelen als de langstudeerdersregeling. Juist op zo’n moment is het van groot belang om de kwaliteit van ons onderwijs centraal te stellen. Daar spannen bestuur, docenten en studenten zich gezamenlijk voor in. Graag wil ik je daarom nogmaals wijzen op de vacatures die openstaan voor de opleidingscommissies.

Student-lid Opleidingscommissie

Per 1 september 2012 komen er weer plaatsen vrij in de opleidingscommissies van alle opleidingen FGw, waar studenten bij uitstek invloed kunnen uitoefenen op het onderwijs van hun opleiding. Betrokken studenten met hart voor onderwijs kunnen zich tot 21 mei 2012 aanmelden. Kijk voor meer informatie en de aanmeldprocedure op

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Prof. dr. Frank van Vree (decaan)


Dear student,

At the moment the University is confronted with several important issues such as the perpetual student fine and the increasing financial pressures imposed on higher education. It is therefore of great importance, especially at a time like this, that the quality of our education is guaranteed. This is a task for management, lecturers and students. Would you like to assist in maintaining the quality of our institutions? If so, please apply for the following vacancy. 

Student Member Programme Committee

New positions will become available in the programme committees (OCs) of all FGw study programmes as of September 2012. The programme committee provides student members with a platform for participating in educational issues at the study programme level. Students with a passion for education can apply for the position of OC student member until Monday, 21 May 2012. For more information about this position, as well as the application process, please visit

With kind regards,

Frank van Vree (Dean of the Faculty of Humanities)